Source code for


Module :mod:``

Search results are retrieved through the :class:`ResultSet` class.  This class
hides paging of large result sets behind a client-side cache.  Subclasses of
:class:`Result` represent results of different SOLr record type.


from collections import defaultdict
from import Sequence
import re


[docs]class ResultSet(Sequence): """ :ivar context: The search context object used to generate this resultset :property batch_size: The number of results that will be requested from esgf-search as one call. This must be set on creation and cannot change. """ def __init__(self, context, batch_size=DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE, eager=True): """ :param context: The search context object used to generate this resultset :param batch_size: The number of results that will be requested from esgf-search as one call. :param eager: Boolean specifying whether to retrieve the first batch on instantiation. """ self.context = context self.__batch_size = batch_size self.__batch_cache = {} self.__len_cache = None if eager: self.__get_batch(0) def __getitem__(self, index): batch_i = index // self.batch_size offset = index % self.batch_size batch = self.__get_batch(batch_i) search_type = self.context.search_type ResultClass = _result_classes[search_type] # !TODO: should probably wrap the json inside self.__batch_cache return ResultClass(batch[offset], self.context) def __len__(self): if self.__len_cache is None: self.__get_batch(0) return self.__len_cache @property def batch_size(self): return self.__batch_size def _build_result(self, result): """ Construct a result object from the raw json. This method is designed to be overridden in subclasses if desired. The default implementation simply returns the json. """ return result def __get_batch(self, batch_i): if batch_i in self.__batch_cache: return self.__batch_cache[batch_i] offset = self.batch_size * batch_i limit = self.batch_size query_dict = self.context._build_query() response = (self.context.connection .send_search(query_dict, limit=limit, offset=offset, shards=self.context.shards)) if self.__len_cache is None: self.__len_cache = response['response']['numFound'] # !TODO: strip out results batch = response['response']['docs'] self.__batch_cache[batch_i] = batch return batch
[docs]class BaseResult(object): """ Base class for results. Subclasses represent different search types such as File and Dataset. :ivar json: The original json representation of the result. :ivar context: The SearchContext which generated this result. :property urls: a dictionary of the form ``{service: [(url, mime_type), ...], ...}`` :property opendap_url: The url of an OPeNDAP endpoint for this result if available :property las_url: The url of an LAS endpoint for this result if available :property download_url: The url for downloading the result by HTTP if available :property gridftp_url: The url for downloading the result by Globus if available :property globus_url: The url for downloading the result by Globus if available (including endpoint) :property index_node: The index node from where the metadata is stored. Calls to ``*_context()`` will optimise queries to only address this node. """ def __init__(self, json, context): self.json = json self.context = context @property def urls(self): url_dict = defaultdict(list) for encoded in self.json['url']: url, mime_type, service = encoded.split('|') url_dict[service].append((url, mime_type)) return url_dict @property def opendap_url(self): try: url, mime = self.urls['OPENDAP'][0] except (KeyError, IndexError): return None url = re.sub(r'.html$', '', url) return url @property def las_url(self): try: url, mime = self.urls['LAS'][0] except (KeyError, IndexError): return None return url @property def download_url(self): try: url, mime = self.urls['HTTPServer'][0] except (KeyError, IndexError): return None return url @property def gridftp_url(self): try: url, mime = self.urls['GridFTP'][0] except (KeyError, IndexError): return None return url @property def globus_url(self): try: url, mime = self.urls['Globus'][0] except (KeyError, IndexError): return None return url @property def index_node(self): try: index_node = self.json['index_node'] except KeyError: return None return index_node
[docs]class DatasetResult(BaseResult): """ A result object for ESGF datasets. :property dataset_id: The solr dataset_id which is unique throughout the system. """ @property def dataset_id(self): # !TODO: should we decode this into a tuple? # self.json['id'].split('|') return self.json['id'] @property def number_of_files(self): """ Returns file count as reported by the dataset record. """ return self.json['number_of_files']
[docs] def file_context(self): """ Return a SearchContext for searching for files within this dataset. """ from .context import FileSearchContext if self.context.connection.distrib: # If the index node is in the available shards for this connection # then restrict shards to that node. Otherwise do nothing to # handle the case when the shard is replicated available_shards = list(self.context.connection.get_shard_list().keys()) if self.index_node in available_shards: shards = [self.index_node] else: shards = None else: shards = None files_context = FileSearchContext( connection=self.context.connection, constraints={'dataset_id': self.dataset_id}, shards=shards, ) return files_context
[docs] def aggregation_context(self): """ Return a SearchContext for searching for aggregations within this dataset. """ from .context import AggregationSearchContext if self.context.connection.distrib: # If the index node is in the available shards for this connection # then restrict shards to that node. Otherwise do nothing to # handle the case when the shard is replicated available_shards = list(self.context.connection.get_shard_list().keys()) if self.index_node in available_shards: shards = [self.index_node] else: shards = None else: shards = None agg_context = AggregationSearchContext( connection=self.context.connection, constraints={'dataset_id': self.dataset_id}, shards=shards, ) return agg_context
[docs]class FileResult(BaseResult): """ A result object for ESGF files. Properties from :class:`BaseResult` are inherited. :property file_id: The identifier for the file :property checksum: The checksum of the file :property checksum_type: The algorithm used for generating the checksum :property filename: The filename :property size: The file size in bytes """ @property def file_id(self): return self.json['id'] @property def checksum(self): try: return self.json['checksum'][0] except KeyError: return None @property def checksum_type(self): try: return self.json['checksum_type'][0] except KeyError: return None @property def filename(self): return self.json['title'] @property def size(self): return int(self.json['size']) @property def tracking_id(self): try: return self.json['tracking_id'][0] except KeyError: return None
[docs]class AggregationResult(BaseResult): """ A result object for ESGF aggregations. Properties from :class:`BaseResult` are inherited. :property aggregation_id: The aggregation id """ @property def aggregation_id(self): return self.json['id']
_result_classes = { TYPE_DATASET: DatasetResult, TYPE_FILE: FileResult, TYPE_AGGREGATION: AggregationResult, }